Mink Welfare Assurance
Certifur Canada is globally recognized as a robust and comprehensive mink welfare program.
These are the principles on which the Certifur Canada program is built:
Verifiable: Assessments are conducted by a globally recognized third-party auditing company – NSF International.
Stakeholder Developed: Certifur was developed through a government-facilitated process, with the participation and consensus of: Veterinarians, Animal Welfare Representatives, Researchers, Government Representatives, Producers.
Science-Based: Deals with facts - not perceptions.
Internationally-Recognized: Scrutinized and accepted into the globally-recognized FURMARK program.
Market Required: International Auction Houses only market mink pelts produced on farms that are certified through an approved animal welfare program with a third-party auditing process.
Encourages Continuous Improvement: Designed to encourage producers to continuously strive to improve animal welfare and care.
Certifur Canada provides Care and Critical Care Requirements for the following aspects of raising mink:
- Accommodations & Housing
- Biosecurity
- Feed & Water
- Health & Welfare Managment
- Husbandry
- Euthanasia
- Transport